JenG JENg jENg........
[Flash Back = "2 years before"]
once upon a time ,cewah cm fairy tale la plak...ade la 3 org sahabat yang berkawan sangat akrab....pendek kate g mane sume together gether...kecuali tyme melepas HajAt jerk la...hehehe
before ak mulekan cerita..ak nak kenalkan watak2 yang ade dlm story ak nie...
presenting to you..
a) si A = caring n status :single ;
b) si B = very supportive n status = single but not available;
c) si C = soft spoken n status = in a relationship...
cerita bermula.....usually tiap tiap petang 3 sekawan ni selalu la jogging sume gara2 nak loose weight...heheheh.....emmm bile dah penat berjogging mule la cari tempat makan...lapor.Selalunya mereka ni ske makan kat cafe kolej 12 (the rason why is tukang masak die encem bangat)...baru sesaat je bakar kalori ni dah nak tambah balek...2 la keje diowng bertiga nie....usaha yg sia-sia kn..hehehe sambil2 makn 2..mulalah sesi luahan perasaan sebagai dessert diowng...selalunya yang paling banyak problem adalah si maklumlah die kan ade boyfren...Si A dan Si B ni mmg pakar motivasi tambah2 lagi bab cinta....hehe si A ni mmg dah menyampah nak dgr segala rungutan si C nie coz kalo korang nak C nie masuk telinga kanan kuar telinga buang mase jerk nasehat B ni plak..mmg rajin la melayan masalah si C..kadang2 masalah sendiri pown x settle2 ..hehehe
Berbalek pada Si C..she's very pretty ,....cute but i wonder why she terlalu lalu setia wif her boyfen 2...nak kate good looking...uewwwww...jauh die ni..dah la ske mengongkong,u all bayangkan ae...kadang2 nak kuar g makan ngn membe2 pown x bagi..Really2 suck kan...then every hour akan call or msg ...wargggghhh rimas..rimas....kerna Si C nie syg la sgt2 kat bf die nie....die sanggup mengetepikan si A and Si B....VERY POOR kat both of them kan...padahal ble susah....both of them la yg paling banyk membatu compare ngn BF die 2....OMG...ade lagi kan manusia bangang like a hell cm!.....
Dis story actually ade kaitan ngn diri ak...ak adalah Si A yang dimaksudkan and today also burfday Si C tu la.....emm nak wish bday die ke x ae?...
if u thinking of wishing her,juz do it la..
ReplyDeleteeven she is no longer ur fren but she used 2 rite??
tp,kalo xnk pon xper.i dont thnk shes mind.hahaha
hahaha....i like the word " i dont thnk shes mind"....definitely la mmg die x kesah pown...dah nme pown bz berkepit ngn bf...hahahaha..if she read my page..i thought she may be said..."do i care"....ryte...hhehehe
ReplyDeletemay b long as her bf is around,she wont care bout anythng else.cian kan org cm 2(ops,slalu tlazer tau!!haha).ish2
ltak la url ko kat fb,then sume org akan tau including her.hehe
hahah....mmg poor la dat girls..
ReplyDeletecmne nk letak url kat fb...teach me plz....
ala,kat 'write something about yourself' 2,ko ltak la mcm nie..visit my pape la yg ko nk ltak utk promote.hehe
ReplyDeleteowh..cm2 je kew...k 2nite i will try ko wat pe jew...?